Mastering ERP: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Own System


Excel spreadsheets will eventually cease to be useful for growing companies. Enterprise Resource Planning software is the answer. ERP software has established its dominance as a business solution.

They help businesses run efficiently, even if they expand. ERP is a term that many business people are familiar with but may need to learn what it can do. This guide will explain what ERP is, what you can achieve with it, and how it works. Let's begin!

What is Enterprise Resource Planning?

Enterprise Resource Planning, or ERP, is a software program that allows organizations to manage their day-to-day processes in one location. This can include inventory management, logistic management, accounting, and healthcare.

ERP systems are designed to automate and optimize processes to increase operational efficiency. This will boost company profits. The latest ERP technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, provide visibility and intelligence across all business units.

ERP is the multifunctional, multi departmental software management solution that is being mentioned by so many companies these days.

ERP, developed after MRP (production resource planning) and CIM (computer-integrated manufacturing) systems, is a comprehensive system that helps organizations collect, store and manage data.

ERP software can be used to perform a variety of business operations in virtually any industry. Example:

Accounting and Finance

  • General Ledger
  • Payables
  • General Journal
  • The Trial Balance and Financial Reports
  • Forecasting and cash flow management

Production and Distribution

  • Track and buy
  • Tracking serial numbers and lot numbers
  • Quality control tracking
  • The warehouse management function
  • Track delivery, delivery coordination
  • Tracking investment, labor costs, and other production costs

Food and beverage:

  • Order Management
  • Plan and schedule
  • Supply Chain
  • WMS
  • Shop floor control
  • Quality Management

A typical ERP system will include, in general, an integrated system; a database to support all applications; a uniform look and feel for modules, and installation with complex application/data integration. It may also offer on-premises or cloud hosting, SaaS, etc. The system can be operated in real-time or close to real-time.

ERP is an excellent solution in many ways, but implementing it and getting started are two different things.

Market Overview of Enterprise Resource Planning

According to a report, 53% of companies believe ERP is a priority investment sector. Cost advantage is the second most important reason to install an ERP, followed by increasing efficiency (35%).

A report shows that by 2027, the global ERP will reach USD 86.8 billion. Key factors influencing the growth of ERP are operational efficiency and the adoption of mobile & cloud apps for enterprise digital transformation.

What Is The Importance Of Erp To Your Organization?

Organizations use ERP systems to achieve various goals, including expanding their business requirements, cutting costs, and improving operational efficiency. The modernization of legacy systems is also a benefit. Businesses can be more responsive to customers' needs and improve the overall customer experience.

Here are some key ERP benefits that will contribute to the success of your business organizations:

Increased Productivity: The ERP system automates manual processes and tasks. It helps you save time, eliminate errors, and reduce rework. Employees can perform more efficiently and finish tasks faster. Integrating ERP systems also allows employees to focus less on tedious work and spend more time doing tasks that bring in revenue.

Improved collaboration: A unified business system that includes all data related to the enterprise improves communication between branches and departments. ERP software can reduce communication delays throughout the company. It is especially useful if you have a network of affiliated companies across several states or continents.

Make faster decisions: An ERP system provides an easy-to-use reporting and analytics tool that enables intelligent decision-making. With an ERP, for example, you can identify which processes are profitable and efficient.

Improved customer service: ERP also helps to improve customer service. All the information needed on clientele and sales is stored centrally. It is easier to reach clients, and the customer service staff can offer services faster.

ERP helps to provide faster access to customer history. The benefits of this are that it allows for more accurate analysis and predictions on demand.

Compliance built-in: Maintaining regulatory compliance is important for your business efficiency. ERP systems are a powerful tool for keeping track of changes to industry compliance and regulations. It allows companies to comply with all relevant guidelines, laws, and specifications.

Flexibility and Scalability: ERP software allows for a flexible and scalable system that can be adjusted to the current situation and needs. ERP systems are easily adapted to any expansion or decrease of a company at every level. ERP systems can handle changes like production increases, increased inventory, and adding users, functions, services, or new users. In short, it helps in enterprise digital transformation.

Improved availability of information: Advanced SAP systems allow for the efficient and central collection, processing, and storage of data on products, sales, or customers. A single database is then used instead of several, requiring constant checks and synchronization to eliminate duplicates or outdated information.

Higher quality of data at all levels in the organization will lead to further improvement in performance. ERP benefits supply chain management and inventory control the most.

Improved reports: ERP Software leads to less paperwork and better department communication. The Software allows for submitting various reports, such as those on financials, customer behavior, maintenance, and technical issues.

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ERP Software Features

ERP software has several features which make it stand out among other software types. They include:

Database common: The advantages of ERP systems are derived from the use of a database which allows an organization to centralize information across departments. The data is centralized, eliminating the need for manually merging separate databases. The common database allows for a consistent and cross-functional view of your company.

Automation: ERP software can automate repetitive processes such as invoice processing, payroll, and order processing. It reduces the amount of manual data entry, saving you time. Automating your business models allows you to concentrate on work with added value, utilizing the knowledge and expertise of your employees.

Consistent User Experience (UI/UX): All users have the same experience with ERPs, regardless of their role or department. The inventory, HR, and finance modules all have the same appearance. The Software will be more widely adopted, and it will be easier to switch between departments.

Consistent UX/UI improves efficiency, as users can quickly locate and comprehend information across the entire business process.

Analysis of data: As every department and entity in your company is using the same ERP system, you can share information about day-to-day business operations across departments. This allows for real-time information to help make better business decisions. Data analysis lets you identify areas that are exceedingly successful and others that do not meet your expectations. Then, you can analyze the problems and immediately take action.

ERP Integration: ERP is integrated with other systems or applications to share data across systems and improve productivity. ERP systems can communicate with all applications in the ecosystem or other business software.

ERP integration can benefit companies with a wide range of departments that must communicate to prevent data duplication and repetitive orders.

Finance management: Modules for financial management help companies make more informed decisions about their spending, better manage their assets and produce accurate reports. The finance module provides all the financial data needed to monitor and maintain the business infrastructure.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) module: This module offers a comprehensive set of tools for tracking and managing customer interactions. The CRM capability gives you an integrated view of your customers and prospects, which allows you to maximize sales, marketing, and customer service. 

An ERP module that includes a CRM can help identify new prospects more effectively, decrease the time spent managing customer data, and increase customer upselling. How to implement CRM successfully.

Human Resources: This module automates HR-related tasks, including recruitment and increasing employee productivity. The HR functions in ERP software enable managers to allocate resources and time more efficiently.

The Human Resources module includes payroll functionality, including payment processing, deductions, and payment.

Management of the supply chain: An ERP module that manages the supply chain helps retailers, distributors, manufacturers, and logistic service providers control and distribute goods and services efficiently. SCM can manage the entire supply chain, from planning to controlling and executing.

What is an ERP System?

ERP systems are based on a standardized data structure. Authorized users in other departments can access information from one department. The uniformity of the structure allows everyone to be on the same page.

Inventory management must record and send the relevant department information when, for example, the final item on stock is shipped. This will allow the replenishment of the inventory. It is also important to inform the sales team so they only promise possible things.

ERP systems are a great asset when they have modules covering each of a business's major functions. It ensures accurate and timely data entry.

What Are the Different Types of ERP Systems?

The modern ERP system can be deployed in many different ways. It could be on-premises, in the cloud, or hybrid. Here are some benefits that you can use to determine which ERP option is best for your company.

On-premise ERP: on-premise ERP gives you total control. You can control your ERP security with this ERP solution. This type of ERP requires dedicated IT staff to maintain the application and servers.

The advantages of On-premise ERP include the following:

  • ERP modules are customizable to meet your business needs
  • ERP modules provide strong integration with other systems
  • Third parties do not need to handle your sensitive data.

ERP cloud: Also known as Software as a Service or SaaS (Software as a Service), a third-party provider administers the ERP cloud. Flexible design enables your employees to browse and store data on any device.

The ERP system has several benefits, such as the fact that you do not need to invest much money to purchase it. It doesn't even require any special skills.

Hybrid Cloud ERP: The hybrid cloud ERP is a model that allows companies to take advantage of the benefits of both on-premises and cloud-based systems (ERP) while still meeting their needs. This model allows you to use ERP vendor expertise without allowing them access to all of your data. It is sometimes referred to as a two-tiered ERP.

ERP Open Source: ERP Open-source is a cheap and often free alternative. It's suitable for some organizations. Open-source ERP companies offer free downloads of their Software and only charge an annual fee if customers want cloud access.

The provider will provide minimal assistance to your company while system configuration and improvements are left up to you. After we've seen all the types of ERP, it is time to see if you are ready for an ERP.

Are You Ready for a New ERP System?

Many businesses use Excel spreadsheets as their first tools to help them manage various processes. You may have outgrown your old tools and now need an ERP system.

You have yet to answer many business questions: It's important to install an ERP system if your company needs to know the answers to questions such as how much revenue it generates or what percentage of the products return. It will give you access to KPIs and metrics to track important business activities.

Spending more time managing your daily tasks: Too many applications can cause a slowdown in basic functions like closing books. ERP systems allow data and solutions to be merged into a single system with a common user interface. It is easier for departments to work together and communicate.

Take advantage of moving fast opportunities: If your company is missing new opportunities, it could be a sign of trouble. Modern ERP systems use technologies such as predictive analytics and machine learning to identify new lucrative ventures and help capitalize on them.

Your manual processes need to be fixed: They can lead to errors and double entries if your employees spend too much time doing them manually. It also hinders your company's growth. Automating processes with ERP systems will increase your company's efficiency and productivity.

What to Consider for Successful ERP Implementation

Before you begin the ERP installation, decide on the goals you have for your organization. You can achieve a successful ERP installation by considering the key factors below.

Management support: Implementing an ERP will impact how your business operates by changing processes and systems. Senior and mid-level management should be included in all phases of the ERP project. The project will be given the visibility it deserves across the company, and the employees will understand the significance of the project.

Employee participation: The best employees in your company should be on the ERP implementation team. They know your company inside and out. You can give them authority and critical decision-making responsibilities.

Project Scope: Define the scope of your project from a knowledge-based position, describing in detail what it will include. The project scope will help you to understand what the project requires and how many resources are needed.

Budget: Organizations should create an appropriate budget that includes all implementation costs, including Software, hardware, and human resources. Keep a tight rein on your costs, and estimate the cost of implementation. Consider also the expenses that will be incurred after installation.

Accessible via mobile devices: You should have a mobile-friendly ERP. The display must be responsive to mobile devices and simple to use on smaller screens.

Proactive change management: ERP projects will change the organization, processes, and systems. Therefore, giving people enough time to learn new processes and systems is important. It is best to start the end-users training before implementation. This will make it easier for them and more successful. The top management should be committed to including the cost of training in the ERP budget.

Experienced Development Partner: Select an ERP company with experience selling and implementing ERP systems. Find a company that has experience installing ERP systems in businesses like yours. It would be best if you asked about their experience with companies in similar industries and sizes. Also, inquire as to how many departments and what types of departments are involved.

Start an ERP Project

There are difficulties at the start: questions about readiness, success, practicality, effectiveness, etc., even if you're launching a new software for your business strategies. It is daunting to replace the older ERP systems with newer ones, as the ERP includes nearly all business activities.

Some many options and directions can easily divert the team from its intended course. The project manager must understand the origins of ERP. It is important to consider that many companies still use spreadsheets and manual systems for tracking data.

Most often, this is due to a company outgrowing its legacy systems or being overburdened with manual processes. This can be because a company needs help adapting to changes, optimizing business processes, or simply because it wants to enhance its relationships with its customers and supply chain partners.

Take a Look at The Value

We'd first like to stress this point before we give you eight steps to begin an ERP project. Before starting your ERP project, consider the current value and value of the business functions. Also, think about the technology that will be used.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What value does our system provide?
  • How much will the ERP system be worth?
  • Is the old model compatible with the new one?
  • What is the impact of our current government?

Consider the specific functions and features supported by an ERP solution and its integration with external and internal systems, including applications, customers, and suppliers.

Also, consider the experience of end users. Does it make sense? Can it be adapted to screen? What is the strength of business intelligence? How about real-time information? Etc.

You can avoid the hassle of legacy and unfriendly ERP systems by evaluating the new ERP's benefits. If you are still unsure, let's hire a consultant.

How to Build an ERP System From Scratch

Many companies can benefit from building an ERP. This can help you save money in the end and increase your productivity. Let's see how you can build an ERP step by step. The goal of the business owners and its requirements should be defined. This will help you to create a quality and useful product. 

It is possible to communicate with different employees to better understand their problems and how you can solve them using an ERP system. An ERP system of high quality can automate and manage routine tasks and data flow.

Design is a crucial part of every project. When discussing the ERP system, UI/UX must be user-friendly. Explore the components that other companies use when it comes to enterprise resource planning. Prepare a blueprint that describes how you would design your ERP system. It will allow you to gather all the information and features that departments need.

Choose the best technology stack for your developers: If you want to build resource management software that works, then it is important to choose the right tech stack. The platform that you select will determine the tech stack. If you create an ERP desktop platform, developers will use Swift, Objective-C, C++ (macOS), or C# or C# for Windows.

Software engineers usually use JavaScript Bootstrap Angular and Node.js for the web version. If you are still determining the best technology stack, you should consult a software development firm. Experts can guide you in choosing the best tech stack for ERP software.

When developing ERP systems, third-party integrations are common. Developers can integrate services like G Suite or Office 365 into an ERP system. The software engineers use APIs to display data from the ERP system.

Select the right partner: The first step in building an ERP is to choose a trustworthy enterprise software development company. A good software partner will consider your vision and needs, make decisions on your behalf, implement the required features, etc. A trusted partner can also help you scale your business opportunities and increase value.

Test the product after reviewing it: After transferring your entire business to one resource planning system and starting testing, it is time to review. When reviewing the product, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Check if the ERP system meets the integration, security, and functionality requirements. Perform accounting and sales transactions across modules to test the ERP. Calculate accuracy. Focus groups can be used to test modules and sets of modules.

The Cost of Implementing an ERP System

Average ERP implementation costs for small businesses or enterprises can range between $20,000 and $350,000. It may cost even more in some instances. This is only a rough estimation. The final cost can be affected by various factors, including the project's complexity, the modules, and the company's location.

The Costs of Erp Implementation

It would be best to consider several factors when determining how much it will cost you to build an ERP system. Below are some of these factors.

Software development team: The cost of ERP will vary depending on which software company you select. Software development companies with expert staff can deliver high-quality services. The quality of ERP will not be compromised, even though the costs may increase.

Total development hours: This is the time developers spend creating an ERP system. It plays a major role in determining total costs. The time taken to build an ERP system is directly related to the number of programmers. 

You need more developers to complete the task quickly if your Software or app is complicated. This means that you will need to spend more money. If your Software or app is simpler, you will pay less than in the previous case.

Software developers' location: The software developer's location also affects the price of ERP software. The price of Software in India is much higher than that in North America. This is because services are different around the globe in both quality and cost.

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Last Thoughts

ERP software can be a powerful tool for business growth. Automating API-based ecologies can increase team productivity and help you scale revenue. Conversely, customers' experiences will also be enhanced by faster and more satisfying interactions. Contact us if you need an ERP system that will help your company grow. We will help improve your productivity by offering the best ERP development services.